kefpcdInvalidDllHandle 1002000 The Dll handle is invalid or has been corrupted. kefpcdInvalidDriveLetter 1002001 The drive letter does not point to a supported device. kefpcdDriveNotMounted 1002002 This operation cannot be performed. There is either no rom in the drive or the media is not in UDF format. kefpcdDriveMounted 1002003 A disc is already mounted in this drive. kefpcdLoadingFileSysForFinalize 1002004 Loading the file system for finalize... kefpcdIoctlSizeMismatch 1002005 There is a size mismatch between the driver and the user program. Please re-install. kefpcdIoctlInvalidDriveLetter 1002006 No InCD handle for this drive letter exists. kefpcdGetConfigInfo 1002007 Error getting configuration information. kefpcdEntriesQueuedForMigration 1002008 This operation cannot be performed since data is waiting to be written to disc. Please allow a minute or two for the data to be written. kefpcdIoctlInvalidType 1002009 The system received an invalid Ioctl type. There is probably a driver mismatch. kefpcdUserAbort 1002010 Operation was cancelled by user. kefpcdNoStackAvailable 1002011 Insufficient driver stack space was available. kefpcdNoMoreNotifications 1002012 No more notifications are currently pending. kefpcdWarningAlreadyMounted 1002013 Future mounts were successfully disabled, but a volume is currently mounted. It will remain active until it is ejected. kefpcdWarningAlreadyEnabled 1002014 The drive was already enabled for mounting. It is still enabled. kefpcdUseNativeReader 1002015 A native UDF reader driver is present, and should be used instead of InCD. kesmtpassErrUnsupported 1002016 The function requested is not supported kesmtpassErrBufLen 1002017 The buffer length is incorrect kesmtpassErrOutOfRange 1002018 kesmtpassErrDevice 1002019 kesmtpassErrInvalidDevice 1002020 The driveletter does not specify a valid device. kesmtpassErrAdapterNotFound 1002021 kefpcdEjectPended 1002022 The Eject operation cannot be done now because data is still being written to the disc. The Eject will be done as soon as writing is completed. keDatabase 6000 Unknown database error has occured. keUnknownFieldType 6001 Unknown field type passed to database. keNoDatabase 6002 No database table has not been created. keEndOfDB 6003 End of database has been reached. keNoPartialMatch 6004 No partial match found keNoMemInDB 6005 Database was unable to allocate memory. keInvalidParam 6006 Invalid parameter passed to database function. keDbOpenNotFirst 6007 The database has not been opened. keDBHdrOpen 6008 The database header file has not been opened. keDBHdrOut 6009 Unable to write the database header file. keDBHdrIn 6010 Unable to read the database header file. keNoDBDCreated 6011 No database has not been created. keDBNotOpened 6012 No database has not been opened. keDBUsrHdrGTUsrBuffer 6013 No user header file defined keDBNoUsrHdrDefined 6014 No user header file defined keCantCreateDatabase 6015 Can not create database. keCantGetRecordNo 6016 Can not find record. keBeginningOfDB 6017 Currenlty at the beginging of the database. keRecordLocked 6018 Requested record is currently locked. keDuplicatkey 6019 Unable to create duplicate key. keDBErrGenFunc 6020 Error returned from generic error function. keBtrvHandleNotInActiveList 6021 Specified handle in not in active list. keDbObjectHasChildren 6022 A database object has children and cannot be deleted. keDatabase 6000 Unknown database error has occured. keUnknownFieldType 6001 Unknown field type passed to database. keNoDatabase 6002 No database table has not been created. keEndOfDB 6003 End of database has been reached. keNoPartialMatch 6004 No partial match found keNoMemInDB 6005 Database was unable to allocate memory. keInvalidParam 6006 Invalid parameter passed to database function. keDbOpenNotFirst 6007 The database has not been opened. keDBHdrOpen 6008 The database header file has not been opened. keDBHdrOut 6009 Unable to write the database header file. keDBHdrIn 6010 Unable to read the database header file. keNoDBDCreated 6011 No database has not been created. keDBNotOpened 6012 No database has not been opened. keDBUsrHdrGTUsrBuffer 6013 No user header file defined keDBNoUsrHdrDefined 6014 No user header file defined keCantCreateDatabase 6015 Can not create database. keCantGetRecordNo 6016 Can not find record. keBeginningOfDB 6017 Currenlty at the beginging of the database. keRecordLocked 6018 Requested record is currently locked. keDuplicatkey 6019 Unable to create duplicate key. keDBErrGenFunc 6020 Error returned from generic error function. keBtrvHandleNotInActiveList 6021 Specified handle in not in active list. keDbObjectHasChildren 6022 A database object has children and cannot be deleted. kePmMgrOpenGroup 7500 Failure opening program manager group. kePmMgrShowGroup 7501 Failure showing program manager group kePmMgrDeleteGroup 7502 Failure deleting program manager group kePmMgrCreateGroup 7503 Failure creating program manager group kePmMgrReloadFmFile 7504 Failure reloading program manager group kePmMgrAddItem 7505 Failure adding program manager item kePmMgrDeleteItem 7506 Failure deleting program manager item keUnsupportedGroupType 7507 This group type is not supported on this operating system. keNoGroupNameFound 7508 This group name was not found on the system keNoPersonalGroupsAllowed 7509 Personal owner groups are not allowed on this system keShellNoSuchShortCut 7600 No short cut of this name is present keShellCoCreateInstance 7601 Failure creating shell instance. keShellQueryInterface 7602 Failure querying shell interface. keShellLoadFile 7603 Failure loading shortcut file. keShellResolveLink 7604 Failure resolving shortcut path. keShellGetPath 7605 Failure getting path from shortcut. keShellSetPath 7606 Failure setting path in shortcut. keShellSaveFile 7607 Failure saving shortcut file keBadDirIndex 3000 Bad directory offset keBadTreeMagic 3001 Bad tree magic keDirectoryDepth 3002 Directory Depth keDotInDirName 3003 Dot not allowed in directory name keTooManyDirs 3004 Too many directories keBadFileIndex 3005 Bad file index keDirSortFailure 3006 Unable to sort directories keNoIsoFiles 3007 No ISO files keTwoRootDirs 3008 Two root directories found keDuplicateDirs 3009 Duplicate directory name keDuplicateFiles 3010 Duplicate filename keBadFilenameStd 3011 Non-standard filename keIsoErrBackslash 3100 ISO error - backslash keIsoErrPathTable 3101 ISO error - path table keSystemAreaTooBig 3102 System area too big keIllegalIsoChars 3103 Illegal ISO characters found keNoVolumeLabel 3104 No volume label kePadLocationTooSmall 3105 Pad location too small keIsoFileExtTooLong 3106 ISO Filename extension is too long keIsoNameMustHavePeriod 3107 ISO Filename must have period keIsoFileNameTooLong 3108 ISO Filename too long keNoCopyriteInRoot 3109 No copyright in root keNoAbstractInRoot 3110 No abstract in root keNoBiblioInRoot 3111 No bibliography in root kePublisherInfoInRoot 3112 No publisher information in root keNoDataPreparerInRoot 3113 No data preparer in root keNoApplicationInfoInRoot 3114 No application information in root keFdRootWrongSize 3115 Root file descriptor wrong size keCantFindIsoDir 3116 Can't find ISO directory keBadGrouping 3117 Bad grouping keWalkIsoNoMoreFiles 3118 No more files in directory. keWalkIsoInvalidIsoFd 3119 Invalid File header incountered while walking a directory. keIso9660PrvDataTruncated 3120 Private data to be copied in the application area has been truncated keIso9660NoIsoVdt 3121 No ISO volume descriptor keSizeChangedDuringProcessing 3200 Size changed during processing keSrcOpenFileFailure 3201 Unable to open source file keOutputtingImage 3202 Unable to output image keReadingSrcFiles 3203 Unable to read source files keMkImageOutOfMemory 3204 Ran out of memory while making image keOpeningOutputImageFile 3205 Unable to open output image file keForeignRom 3300 Unrecognized CD-ROM file system type present on this CD-ROM keCantWalkUsingTree 3301 Unable to walk directory tree keCorruptedPathTable 3302 Corrupted path table kePathTableTooBig 3303 Path table too large keDirNameTooBig 3304 Directory name too long keTooManyPtdEntries 3305 Too many Ptd directories kePtdNotInMemory 3306 Ptd not in memory kePositionTooLarge 3307 Position too large keBadPathTableLen 3308 Invalid path table length keMismatchedFileSize 3309 The file size between the two files are different kenmFilesOnDataRom 3400 Files on CD-ROM : kenmDirsOnDataRom 3401 Directories on CD-ROM : kenmFilesInAudioSet 3402 Files in Audio Set : kenmTracksOnCD 3403 Tracks on Audio Set: kenmSortingDirs 3404 Sorting directories kenmDirsProcessed 3405 Directories processed: kenmFilesProcessed 3406 Files processed: kenmDirsAdded 3407 Directories and files added: kenmSortingFiles 3408 Sorting files & directories. Completed : kenmFixingLocations 3409 Fixing file and directory locations kenmProcessingFiles 3410 Processing file: kenmSortingFileDirs 3411 Sorting files into CD-ROM directories kenmBuildingIso9600 3412 Building CD-ROM volume and directory structure kenmOutputtingVtc 3413 Directories and files Processed : kenmOutPtdEntry 3414 Ptd Entry info : kenmFinalizing 3415 kenmSimpleSz 3416 keArrayNotBigEnuh 3417 File or directory name too long for array keHfsBadApplePart 3500 HFS Partition is invalid keHfsSeekFailure 3501 Error seeking to byte offset: keHfsReadFailure 3502 Error Read HFS ROM keHfsSignatureNotFound 3503 Error HFS Signature was not found keHfsTooManyHfsParts 3504 Error too many HFS partitions keHfsParseError 3505 Error while parsing the HFS CD keHfsBadRecord 3506 Error invalid record: keHfsNoMoreFiles 3507 Reached the end of the HFS partition keHfsNoMoreDirs 3508 Reached the end of the list of directories in que keOutOfMemory 1000 System ran out of Memory keNotImplemented 1001 Operation is not implemented keWildcardError 1002 Internal Wildcard error walking directory keWildcardUnknown 1003 Unknown error walking directory keNoMoreEntries 1004 Reached end of list, no more entries found keInvalidParameter 1005 Invalid paramter passed to function. keBadStructSize 1006 Structure size is incorrect probably from software version mismatch keVersionMismatch 1007 Version mismatch keOutOfResources 1008 System ran out of resources keUserAbort 1009 User aborted operation. keBadHandle 1010 Invalid Handle supplied for operation keIoctlBadDriverHandle 1011 Bad handle found for Ioctl call keMaxIoctlParamData 1012 The Ioctl call has paramater data that exceeds the allowed maximum. keDeviceIoctlFailure 1013 Ioctl failure sending command to driver. keWaitTimeout 1014 Timeout occurred on an object. keWaitForEvent 1015 Error waiting for event keOutOfDiskSpace 1016 The system is out of disk space keBufferOverflow 1017 Buffer overflow while transfering data. keEnsureError 1018 ** Ensure Error ** keBufferTooSmall 1019 Buffer too small keAccessDenied 1020 Access is denied keItemNotFound 1050 No matches were found in the list. keLruItemCantBeClosed 1051 The LRU item must cannot be closed. keLruNoItemsAvailable 1052 None of the items in the LRU list can be closed for re-use. keLruClearingOut 1053 Attempt to use LRU while it is being destroyed. keLockClaimed 1054 Attempting to claim a lock that is already claimed. keLockNotOwned 1055 Attempting to release/change a lock that has not been claimed. keLockExclusive 1056 Lock is already locked for exclusive use. keLockNonExclusive 1057 Lock is already locked for non-exclusive use. keCreateDir 1058 Error creating directory keFilesOpenForWrite 1059 Operation failed, files are open for write keErrMgrInvalidParameter 1100 Internal error keErrMgrNoMemory 1101 Error manager was out of memory keInvalidModuleId 1102 Error Manager Module Id not valid keDebugOn 1103 Error Manager Debug is already on keDebugOff 1104 Error Manager Debugging is switched off kePackMgrInvalidParameter 1105 Error Manager Packing Internal error keDevNameInvalid 1106 Error file/device name is not valid keErrMgrIpcInvalidFunc 1107 Function not avaible on client side. keErrMgrBufferTooSmall 1108 Buffer passed to error manager is too small -- some data was not copied. keOpeningFile 1200 Error opening file keCreatingFile 1201 Error creating file keWritingFile 1202 Error writing file keReadingFile 1203 Error reading file kePositioningFile 1204 Error setting file pointer keRenamingFile 1205 Error renaming file keDeletingFile 1206 Error deleting file keFileDoesntExist 1207 Error file does not exist keGetCurrentWorkingDir 1208 Unable to determine current working directory keClosingFile 1209 Error closing file keDirDoesntExist 1210 Error directory does not exist keTruncatingFile 1211 Error Truncating file keSettingFileTimes 1212 Error setting file times keFlushingFile 1213 Error Flushing file keDeletingDirectory 1214 Error encountered deleting directory keBadFileAccessMode 1215 This file has been opened in an access mode where this operation is not allowed keDevErrVarRecFileNotCreate 1216 Variable record file cannot be written when opened for read keDevErrVarRecFileCreate 1217 Variable record file cannot be read when opened for write keQueMgrErrInvalidParameter 1300 Queue Manager Internal error keQueMgrErrNoMemory 1301 Queue Manager is out of memory keQueMgrErrKeyNotFound 1302 Queue Manager cannot find key entry in queue keBuffErrInvalidBuffer 1400 Unable to find buffer in used list. keNoAppropriateCallback 1450 No appropriate callback specified keUserBreak 1451 Operation cancelled by user keStartThread 1460 Error creating thread. keSuspendThread 1461 Error suspending thread. keResumeThread 1462 Error resuming thread. keTerminateThread 1463 Error terminating thread. keGetThreadPriority 1464 Error getting thread priority. keSetThreadPriority 1465 Error setting thread priority. keGetThreadExitCode 1466 Error getting exit error for thread. keInvalidThread 1467 An invalid thread handle was supplied for this operation. keLicenseAlreadyOpen 1500 Error opening the license file. keLicenseBadSerNo 1501 User entred a non-compliant serial number. keLicenseRegExpired 1502 License has expired. keLicenseBadLicFile 1503 License file is corrupt or bad. keLicenseLicReadError 1504 License file is corrupt or bad. keLicenseBadLicKey 1505 License file is corrupt or bad. keLicenseBadSerNoVer 1506 License file is corrupt or bad. keLicenseBadHexStr 1507 License file is corrupt or bad. keLicenseTooMuchData 1508 License file is corrupt or bad. keLicenseBadProduct 1509 License file is corrupt or bad. keLicenseBadOem 1510 Invalid OEM. keLicenseBadDays 1511 Invalid number of days. keLicenseBadSlotLimit 1512 Invalid number of slots. keLicenseNoPromptFn 1513 Invalid callback function keLicenseClockHacker 1514 License file is corrupt or bad. keLicenseFailure 1515 License failure keCreatingService 1550 Error creating a service. keOpeningService 1551 Error opening a service. keDeletingService 1552 Error deleting a service. keStartingService 1553 Error starting a service. keSendingIoctlService 1554 Error accessing a service. keOpeningServiceManager 1555 Error opening a service manager. keStartServiceDoesNotExist 1556 You should atleast have a Start Service Dispatch routine. keStartServiceDisp 1557 Start service dispatch routine failed. keServiceNoMem 1558 The service manager could not allocate memory. keProductNotInstalled 1600 The product is not installed. keNoProductIniFile 1601 The product ini file was not found in the installation directory. keBadProductIniFile 1602 The product ini file is corrupted. keNoInstallationDirectory 1603 The installation directory does not exist. keNoDeinstallKey 1604 Deinstallation information does not exist in the registry keDeletingTreeNode 1605 Error deleting the tree associated with a key keBadRegistryKeyHandle 1606 Bad registry handle used to access registry keCreatingRegistryKey 1607 Error creating registry key keOpeningRegistryKey 1608 Error opening registry key keKeyTooLong 1609 Registry value exceeds allowed length keSettingRegistryValue 1610 Error setting registry value keGettingRegistryValue 1611 Error retrieving registry value keBadKeyType 1612 Registry value is of unexpected type keDeletingRegistryKey 1613 Error deleting registry key keDeletingRegistryValue 1614 Error deleting registry value keRegistryValueChangedSize 1615 Registry value is of unexpected length keFindNextRegistryKey 1616 No more registry keys at this location keFindNextRegistryValue 1617 No more registry values at this location keCreateEvent 1625 Error creating event keCreateUniqueEvent 1626 Error creating unique event keClearEvent 1627 Error clearing event keSetEvent 1628 Error setting event keThreadMgrTimeOut 1650 Thread manager timed out while waiting for a thread keThrdMgrThreadJobComplete 1651 Thread manager attempted to perform an operation on a thread job that had been completed. keThrdMgrFailedToSuspendThread 1652 Thread manager was unable to suspend a thread. keThrdMgrFailedToResumeThread 1653 Thread manager was unable to resume a thread. keThrdMgrFailedToGetThreadPriority 1654 Thread manager was unable to get a threads priority. keThrdMgrFailedToSetThreadPriority 1655 Thread manager was unable to set a threads priority. keThrdMgrThreadJobRunning 1656 The thread job is still running. keThrdMgrInvalidThreadJob 1657 The thread job handle is invalid. keParseIniFileDoesNotExist 1675 Cannot perform operation because the ini file does not exist. keParseIniValueNameNotFound 1676 The value name does not exist in the ini file. keParseIniBadValue 1677 The value supplied for this ini value field is not valid keParseIniNoGroupName 1678 The group name requested does not exist keParseIniDuplicateGroupName 1679 Duplicate group names are not allowed in an ini file keParseIniFileLineTooLong 1680 Line too long (file may be binary) keIpcErrClassNotRegAtServer 1681 IPC connect to class not registered at server. keIpcErrDupClass 1682 Attempt to register class - already registered at this IPC server. keIpcErrAddToLinkedList 1683 Failure adding class to IPC registration list. keIpcErrServerUp 1684 Attempt to start IPC server which is already up. keIpcErrStartingServerThread 1685 Failed to start IPC server main thread. keIpcErrServerNotUp 1686 Attempt to stop IPC server which is not up. keIpcErrClassNotReg 1687 Attempt to deregister unregistered class from IPC server. keIpcErrRemoveFmLinkedList 1688 Failure removing class from IPC registration list. keIpcErrServerOpenFailed 1689 Failed to initialize IPC transport layer. keIpcErrServerCloseFailed 1690 Failed to shut down IPC transport layer. keIpcErrWaitRequestFailed 1691 Failure while waiting for IPC request. keIpcErrFreeReqFailed 1692 IPC transport failed to release channel. System may hang... keIpcErrPreSendFailed 1693 IPC transport failed to claim channel. keIpcErrSendPktFailed 1694 IPC transport failed to send result packet. keIpcErrBufferMismatch 1695 IPC connect specifies max client request size greater than server buffer. keIpcErrBreakOutOfServer 1696 IPC transport failed to break out of server get request loop. keIpcErrServerGone 1697 The IPC server has stopped unexpectedly. keIpcErrServerBusy 1698 The IPC server is temporarily unable to service the request. keIpcServerCallback 1699 NOT AN ERROR - packet returned as callback. keIpcsrvErrBadArgCount 1700 The handler for IPC function has been passed the wrong argument count - Incomplete upgrade? keIpcsrvErrBadFunction 1701 The IPC server has been called for unrecognized function - Incomplete upgrade? keIpcMmfErrOpenLock 1702 Failed to locate IPC server. Server is probably not running. keIpcMmfErrOpenSemTx 1703 Problems in communication with IPC server. keIpcMmfErrOpenSemRx 1704 Problems in communication with IPC server. keIpcMmfErrOpenSemTxDone 1705 Problems in communication with IPC server. keIpcMmfErrOpenSemRxDone 1706 Problems in communication with IPC server. keIpcMmfErrOpenMemFile 1707 Problems in communication with IPC server. keIpcMmfErrOpenFileMap 1708 Problems in communication with IPC server. keIpcMmfErrCreateSemRx 1709 Problems in communication with IPC server. keIpcMmfErrDupSemaphore 1710 Problems in communication with IPC server. keIpcMmfErrCloseSemRxDone 1711 Problems in communication with IPC server. keIpcMmfErrCloseSemRx 1712 Problems in communication with IPC server. keIpcMmfErrCloseSemTxDone 1713 IPC MMF Transport failed to close TxDone semaphore. keIpcMmfErrCloseSemTx 1714 IPC MMF Transport failed to close Tx semaphore. keIpcMmfErrCloseLock 1715 IPC MMF Transport failed to close lock mutex. keIpcMmfErrCloseFileMap 1716 IPC MMF Transport failed to close file mapping. keIpcMmfErrCloseMemFile 1717 IPC MMF Transport failed to close memory mapped file. keIpcMmfErrReleaseSemRx 1718 IPC MMF Transport failed to release Rx semaphore. keIpcMmfErrReleaseSemTx 1719 IPC MMF Transport failed to release Tx semaphore. keIpcMmfErrWaitSemTxDone 1720 IPC MMF Transport failed wait for TxDone semaphore. keIpcMmfErrWaitSemRxDone 1721 IPC MMF Transport failed wait for RxDone semaphore. keIpcMmfErrReleaseLock 1722 IPC MMF Transport failed to release lock mutex. keIpcMmfErrWaitSemRx 1723 IPC MMF Transport failed wait for Rx semaphore. keIpcMmfErrClaimLock 1724 IPC MMF Transport failed to claim lock mutex. keIpcMmfErrReleaseSemRxDone 1725 IPC MMF Transport failed to release RxDone semaphore. keIpcMmfErrCreateFileMapping 1726 IPC MMF Transport failed to create memory mapped file. keIpcMmfErrServerExists 1727 IPC MMF Transport memory mapped file exists - server name not unique. keIpcMmfErrCreateSemTx 1728 IPC MMF Transport failed to create Tx semaphore. keIpcMmfErrCreateSemTxDone 1729 IPC MMF Transport failed to create TxDone semaphore. keIpcMmfErrCreateSemRxDone 1730 IPC MMF Transport failed to create RxDone semaphore. keIpcMmfErrCreateLock 1731 IPC MMF Transport failed to create lock mutex. keIpcMmfErrWaitSemTx 1732 IPC MMF Transport failed wait for Tx semaphore. keIpcMmfErrReleaseSemTxDone 1733 IPC MMF Transport failed to release TxDone semaphore. keIpcInitSecurityDescriptor 1734 Error initializing the Security Descriptor. keErrCreateSemaphore 1735 Could not create semaphore. keErrWaitSemaphore 1736 Error waiting for semaphore. keSemaphoreNotAvailable 1737 Wait for semaphore timed out, or semaphore closed. keErrReleaseSemaphore 1738 Error releasing semaphore. keFailureFindFirstWalkOsFs 1739 FindFirst WalkOsFs error. keFailureFindNextWalkOsFs 1740 FindNext WalkOsFs error. keTxtMgrNoMessageFound 1800 MessageId not found in message file. keDbgMsg 1801 keAsyncProcErrFailedToStartup 1802 The asynchronous processor class failed to start the main processor thread. keAsyncProcErrCannotKill 1803 The asynchronous process could not be killed because it has already started running, or has already completed. kerrObjectsAlreadyInitialized 1804 The objects library has already been initialized. kerrObjectsNotInitializedCorrectly 1805 The objects library has not been initialized, or has been initalized incorrectly. kerrObjAlreadyRegistered 1806 This object type has already been registered. kerrObjNotRegistered 1807 An object of this type has not been registered. kerrObjNoInterface 1808 The object does not support this GUID. kerrObjTxpRecordSizeMismatch 1809 Object size mismatch between server and client. kerrInvalidObject 1810 A failure occurred while constructing an object kerrObjClientAlreadyInitialized 1811 The object client has already been initialized. kerrObjClientNotInitialized 1812 The object client has not been initialized. kerrObjectTypeMismatch 1813 Expected an object of a different type with this guid. kerrObjectAlreadyExists 1814 Attempt to create an object which already exists. keShareNetworkIsDisabled 5000 Network is disabled keShareGetSystemName 5001 Error getting share name keShareGetUserName 5002 Error getting user name keShareGetUserPasswd 5003 Error gettng password keShareDirectory 5004 Error sharing a directory keUnshareDirectory 5005 Error unsharing a directory keShareGetInfo 5006 Error getting share information keShareFindFirstInfo 5007 Error getting first share information keShareNetGetConnection 5008 Error in getting connection keShareAttachMountPoint 5009 Error attaching keNotLegalShareName 5010 Not a legal share name. keShareOsErrorAccessDenied 5011 Access to the network resource was denied. keShareOsErrorAlreadyAssigned 5012 The local device specified is already connected to a network resource. keShareOsErrorBadDevType 5013 Sharing error. The type of local device and the type of network resource do not match. keShareOsErrorBadDevice 5014 Sharing error. The local device name specified is invalid. keShareOsErrorBadNetName 5015 Sharing Error. The remote UNC name is not acceptable to any network resource provider. Either the resource name is invalid, or the named resource cannot be located. keShareOsErrorBadProfile 5016 The user profile is in an incorrect format. keShareOsErrorBadProvider 5017 The value specified by lpProvider does not match any provider. keShareOsErrorBusy 5018 The router or provider is busy, possibly initializing. The caller should retry. keShareOsErrorCancelled 5019 The attempt to make the connection was cancelled by the user through a dialog box from one of the network resource providers, or by a called resource. keShareOsErrorCannotOpenProfile 5020 The system is unable to open the user profile to process persistent connections. keShareOsErrorDeviceAlreadyRemembered 5021 An entry for the local device specified is already in the user profile. keShareOsErrorExtendedError 5022 A undefined network-specific error has occured. Call the WNetGetLastError function to get a description of the error. keShareOsErrorInvalidPassword 5023 The specified password is invalid. keShareOsErrorNoNetOrBadPath 5024 A network component has not started, or the specified name could not be handled. keShareOsErrorNoNetwork 5025 There is no network present. keShareOsErrorUnexpectedNetworkError 5026 An unexpected network error has occurred keShareUndefinedNetworkError 5027 An undefined network error has occurred kerrSrvrDiskEnum 5028 Failed to enumerate disks. kerrSrvrDiskEnumArrayTooSmall 5029 The array was too small to hold all the entries; keUNCPathNotLocalPath 5030 Can't convert a remote UNC filename to a local path keInvalidUNCPath 5031 Not a valid UNC filename keNetworkDriveDoesntHaveUNCPath 5032 Failure attempting to get UNC name for a network drive keCantMakeAbsolutePath 5033 Invalid path kerrObjErrorPlaceHolder 9000 This is here until some real errors are added kerrObjServerDoesNotOwnObject 9001 A remote call to create this object has been received by a server that does not own the object. keGettingModelAttribs 2000 Error getting model attributes keDriverNotInstalled 2001 Driver has not been installed. keBadDeviceAddress 2002 Bad device address keModelNotSupported 2003 Device not supported keModelNotFoundAtDevAddr 2004 Device not found. keGetDevInfo 2005 Failure getting device information. keIncorrectDevice 2006 Incorrect model or device specified at device address keGenSCSIError 2007 SCSI error : keNoMatchGettingScsiIdFmFs 2008 No scsi id is associated with this File system mount point keNoMatchFsFmScsiId 2009 No file system mount point found for device at address keIncorrectBlkSize 2010 The block size for this device is not an a multiple of 512 bytes. keMediaWriteProtected 2011 The media in the device is write protected. keOpeningScsiDevice 2100 Error opening scsi device keScsiDeviceNotFound 2101 Scsi device not found keBadCdbLen 2102 bas parameter in CDB kePassThruIoctlFailure 2103 Invlalid IOCTL keScsiCommandFailure 2104 Generic scsi command failure keSSAspiDLLNotLoaded 2105 The InCD Aspi DLL was not loaded Ensure that this DLL is on your path. The default Microsoft WnAspi32.DLL was used. keNoWinAspiDLL 2106 The Windows Aspi DLL WnAspi32.DLL was not loaded. Ensure that this DLL is on your path. keDriverNotPresent 2107 Driver is not present. keHostErrorOnInquiry 2108 Error on inquiry sent to host. keNoUnitAtDevAddr 2109 No device found at device address keSerialDeviceOpenFailure 2200 Error opening serial device keSerialParametersMismatch 2201 Serial Parameters are the same com port are not equal for different devices. keSerialHostTimeOutErr 2202 Host timeout Error on serial Port keWritingToComPort 2203 Error writing to Com Port keReadingFmComPort 2204 Error reading from Com Port keSerStatusInfo 2205 Serial status: keSerialGetComInfo 2206 Error getting Com Port current settings keSerialSetCom 2207 Error setting Com Port keSerialSetComQueue 2208 Error setting Com Port queue keSerialSendTimeOut 2209 Error setting timeout for sending data on Com Port keSerialRecvTimeOut 2210 Error setting timeout for receiving data on Com Port keSerialFlushRecvBuffer 2211 Error flushing the Com Port receive buffer keSerialFlushSendBuffer 2212 Error flushing the Com Port send buffer keInquireCmd 2500 Failure issuing inquiry command to host keClosingDevice 2501 Error closing device. keClosingHost 2502 Error closing host. keDeviceNotReady 2503 Device is not ready keDeviceNotReadyWithInfo 2504 SCSI device error keExecuteScsi 2505 Error executing scsi command. keModeSense 2506 Error issuing mode sense command keModeSelect 2507 Error issuing mode select command keReadCapacity 2508 Error issuing read capacity command keRead10 2509 Error issuing Read10 command keWrite10 2510 Error issuing Write10 command. keWriteAndVerify 2511 Error issuing WriteAndVerify command. keRomCreateRom 2512 Failure creating CD-ROM class keIncorrectModelAtAddr 2513 The device model found at this address is different from the device model opened earlier. keIllegalCDDriveModel 2514 The CD-ROM or CD-R drive at the device address is not supported by the software. keInitingRomDrive 2515 Failure initializing CD reader or writer. keUnknownRomBlkMode 2516 General Failure - unknown cd-rom block mode. keGetBlkMode 2517 Failure getting block mode. keReadTOC 2518 Failure reading Table of contents. keNoSuchTrackNo 2519 Invalid track number keNoSuchSessionNo 2520 Requested session not found keSessNotFound 2521 Requested session not found keCDInfo 2522 CD information error. keReadBlk 2523 Error reading blocks on CD-ROM or CD-R drive. keWriteBlk 2524 Error writing blocks on CD-ROM or CD-R drive. kePosBlk 2525 Error positioning to block on CD-ROM or CD-R drive. keReadTurboToc 2526 Error Reading Turbo TOC information from drive keLoadTurboToc 2527 Error Writing Turbo TOC information to drive keDriveUnoccupied 2528 No Media present in the Drive keCDevCDTypeNotSupported 2529 This type of CD-ROM is not supported as a stream device keCDevEndOfRomNotReadable 2530 There are no readable data sectors within 150 sectors of the end of the rom.The system cannot determine the size of the rom. keCDevNotAlignedToBlkBoundary 2531 The device request was not aligned at a block boundary. keNoTrack1Index0 2532 No track one index zero found. keBadPreGapSize 2533 Pregap is smaller than 150 sectors. keBadTrackSize 2534 Track size is smaller than 300 sectors. keBlankCD 2535 The CD in the drive is blank. keGetBarCode 2536 Failure getting barcode data. keIllegalBarCodeSize 2537 Illegal barcode size - must be 12 or 16 characters. keGetMediaSize 2538 Failure getting the media size. keSetCdSpeed 2539 Failure setting Cd speed (read and/or write) of drive keGetCurrentWritingSpeed 2540 Failure getting current write speed of drive keSimulateWrite 2541 Failure setting simulate mode of drive keReserveTrack 2542 Failure reserving track on media keDriveDoesNotSupportDAO 2543 This drive does not support Disc at Once. keDriveDoesNotSupportPckWrt 2544 This drive does not support Packet writing. keInitWrite 2545 Failure initinializing drive for write keNoWrtOperInProgress 2546 Failure finishing write. No write operation was in progress. keFiniWrite 2547 Failure finishing write. keTrackIsReserved 2548 Failure performing operation. Track is already reserved. keStartTrack 2549 Failure starting track. keEndTrack 2550 Failure ending track. keStopWrite 2551 Failure during stop write. keWriteCDR 2552 Failure writing to CDR. keGetNextWritePosn 2553 Failure get next writeable position keSetPacketWrite 2554 Failure setting packet write mode. keSetWritingMode 2555 Failure setting writing mode. keFlushCmd 2556 Failure issuing flush command keWriteTOC 2557 Failure writing Table of Contents. keUnknownCtrlAddr 2558 General Failure - Unknown control addr. keUnknownBlkMode 2559 General Failure - Unknown block mode. keUnknownTrackType 2560 General Failure - Unknown track type. keWriteTrack 2561 Failure writing track. keCloseTrack 2562 Failure closing track. keFreezeCmd 2563 Failure issuing freeze. keGetDiscAppCode 2564 Failure gettting disc application code. keGetSessionInfo 2565 Failure getting session information. keReadTrackFmPMA 2566 Failure reading PMA area. keGetTrackInfo 2567 Failure getting track information. keSetBlkMode 2568 Failure setting block mode on drive. keWriteLeadInProgress 2569 Write buffer is full waiting to be flushed while lead-in is in progress. This is not a real logical write error. It simply signifies that the drive is busy. keAudioBufferOverFlow 2570 The device encountered a buffer overflow while reading the audio stream. The system was not fast enough to sustain audio extraction. keCancelSpinDown 2571 Error cancelling drive spindown. This may result in a buffer underflow for disc at once audio CD-ROMs. keGetFirstWrtAddr 2572 Failure Getting The B0 value keReadPMA 2573 Failure reading PMA area. keMediaUnformatted 2574 The media in the drive is physically unformatted. keFormatDVDRam 2575 Failure formatting DVD Media. keOpeningParallelDevice 2576 Error opening parallel port device. keParallelParametersMismatch 2577 The port parameters for this port conflict with values set when this device was opened. keParallelPortStatus 2578 Failure getting parallel port status. keParallelSendData 2579 Failure sending data to printer driver. keLptHandleAlreadyOpen 2580 The printer lpt handle is already open. keOpeningLptHandle 2581 Error opening the printer lpt port. Check that the port is activated. keParallelHostTimeOutErr 2582 Time out error on parallel port. Device is not responding. keWritingToParallelPort 2583 Error writing data via the lpt parallel port keDiscInfoFailure 2980 Cannot read disc information keNotRWDisc 2981 The disc is not a rewriteable disc. keFormatUnitFailure 2982 Error executing Format Unit operation. keSetWriteParameters 2983 Error setting Write Parameters code page. keKeepPolling 2984 Async operation still in progress. Keep polling. keBufModeTooSmall 2985 Device requires unusually large buffer for Mode Sense operation. keGetAtip 2986 Error getting ATIP information for disc. keGetMechanismStatus 2987 Error getting Mechanism Status from device. keDriveTypeUnsupported 2988 The drive is not a supported type. keDriveIsReader 2989 The drive is a reader only and cannot do write operations. keGetConfiguration 2990 Error getting mmc configuration from device. keFeatureNotSupported 2991 The drive does not support the requested feature. keSetWriteCache 2992 Failure setting write cache. keEraseCmd 2993 Failure issuing Erase Command. keNoMedia 2994 There is currently no Media inserted. keSetRecoveryParameters 2995 The device rejected read/write recovery parameters. keDevUnsupportedCmd 2996 This command is not supported by the current device. keGraphicFileNotInitialized 8500 Template file not open keGraphicRecNotFound 8501 Graphic not found keGraphicRecNotComplete 8502 Graphic not complete keGraphicTypeNotSupported 8503 Graphic type not supported keGraphicPictureFileDoesNotExist 8504 Picture file in template does not exist keGraphicFileFormatNotSupported 8505 Template file is not in supported format keGraphicMergeGroupNotFound 8506 You cannot set a merge field without specifying a merge group keGraphicPrinterNotInitialized 8507 Graphic printer not open keGraphicPrinterNoMoreBarcodes 8508 No more barcode types keGraphicPrinterSettingPrinterDriver 8509 Error encountered setting printer driver kePrinterLabelFileDoesntExist 8510 The label image file required to print the label no longer exists. keGraphicFileUnsupportedParameters 8511 This operation cannot be performed with the selected parameters keMergeFileNotInitialized 8512 Merge file not open keGraphicTypeNotMergeable 8513 Graphic type to merge is not mergeable keMergeFieldNotFoundInMergeFile 8514 Merge field does not contain an entry in the merge file keAsciiDbNotInitialized 8515 Ascii database file not open keAsciiDbNoMoreRecords 8516 No more records in ascii database file keAsciiDbProcessingLine 8517 Line in ascii database was not formatted correctly keAsciiDbTooManyFields 8518 Record in ascii database had more fields than this software can support keAsciiDbNoRecordSelected 8519 Tried to retrieve a record from ascii database without selecting a record number keAsciiDbFieldDoesNotExist 8520 Requested field name does not exist in ascii database keAsciiDbRecordHasWrongNumberOfFields 8521 Record in ascii database has wrong number of fields keAsciiDbNoFieldsInDatabase 8522 No fields found in ascii database keAsciiDbMustHaveDataDictionary 8523 First line in ascii database must be field names keAsciiDbInvalidRecordNumber 8524 Requested record is out of range kerrSecFailedToCreateDescriptor 10000 Failed to create the security descriptor. kerrSecFailedToLogonUser 10001 Failed to log user onto the system. kerrSecFailedToInterpretSecDesc 10002 Failed to interpret the security descriptor. It may be corrupted. kerrSecFailedToImpersonateUser 10003 Failed to impersonate the logged in user. keincdDriveLockerDllFailsToLoad 1244685 The loading of Drive Locker DLL fails. keincdDriveLockerDllInitializationFails 1244686 The loaded Drive Locker DLL fails to initialize. keSoftwareNotInitialized 8000 The software system has not set the product configuration correctly keBadSerialNumber 8001 Invalid serial number keTooFewDeviceSlotLicense 8002 Configuration exceeds licensed limit keInstallCopyingDriver 7000 Error copying driver into system directory keInstallCannotFindFileToCopy 7001 Install could not find the file that is needed to be copied keInstallCannotFindScdFsDriver 7002 Could not locate the file system driver required for install keInstallCannotFindSsRecDriver 7003 Could not locate the file system recognizer driver required for install keInstallCannotFindScdVirtDriver 7004 Could not locate the virtual device driver required for install keInstallCannotFindScdPassDriver 7005 Could not locate the passthru driver required for install keInstallNoCmdLineForItem 7006 No command line specified for program manager item keInstallCannotFindScdPrintDriver 7007 Could not locate the print driver required for install keInstallNoDefinedKey 7008 Key was not defined for value keInstallTooManyValueParams 7009 Too many values defined for multisz or binary field keInstallIllegalRegistryType 7010 Registry type defined in product.ini is illegal. keSchedulerDbInvalidSchedulerType 27000 Illegal scheduler type keSchedulerDbInvalidSchedulerId 27001 Illegal scheduler ID keSchedulerDbUpdateRec 27002 Could not update record for scheduler id. keSchedulerDbAddRec 27003 Could not add record for scheduler id. keSchedulerDbDbCorrupted 27004 Scheduler database corrupted keSchedulerDbAlreadyOpen 27005 Scheduler database already opened keSchedulerDbOpeningDb 27006 Could not open scheduler database. keSchedulerDbNotInActiveList 27007 Could not find Scheduler database in active database list keJobDbInvalidJobType 27025 Illegal job type keJobDbInvalidJobId 27026 Illegal job ID keJobDbUpdateRec 27027 Could not update record for job id. keJobDbAddRec 27028 Could not add record for job id. keJobDbDbCorrupted 27029 Job database corrupted keJobDbAlreadyOpen 27030 Job database already opened keJobDbOpeningDb 27031 Could not open job database. keJobDbNotInActiveList 27032 Could not find job database in active database list keJobDbAbnormalTermination 27033 Job was abnormally terminated. keJobNoInsertionPoint 27034 No insertion point was specified while moving a job. keJobQueueMustBeSameForMove 27035 The queue must be the same while moving a job. kebbOpenningDriver 25000 Unable to open the specified driver. kebbServerRunning 25001 The Bounce Back IO server is already running. kebbSendIoctl 25002 Failed while sending an IOCTL command. kebbStartServerThread 25003 Failed trying to start the Bounce Back IO server thread. kebbStopServerThread 25004 Failed trying to terminate the Bounce Back IO server thread. kebbInvalidPacket 25005 The magic value in the packet is incorrect. kebbInvalidCommand 25006 The command value in the packet is invalid. kebbPacketSizeMismatch 25007 The data buffer used to initiate the command is different in size from the data buffer in the server packet. kebbSubmittingCommand 25008 Failed to add the command to the waiting queue. kefsInvalidMedia 22000 The media in the device is invalid, unrecognized, or has been removed. kefsEntryNotFound 22001 The file system directory entry was not found. kefsStreamNotFound 22002 The file system stream entry was not found. kefsInvalidEntry 22003 The requested entry no longer exists, or cannot be resolved. kefsEntryExists 22004 The requested file system entry cannot be created - one with the same name already exists. kefsAccessDenied 22005 An attempt is being made to create or modify a file system entry that cannot be modified. kefsInvalidHandle 22006 A file or directory search handle is corrupt or invalid. kefsAlreadyMounted 22007 An attempt is being made to mount the file system when it is already mounted kefsNotMounted 22008 An attempt is being made to access or dismount the file system when it is not mounted. kefsNoMatchFn 22009 No filename match function is defined for namespace. kefsNoMoreEntries 22010 A findfirst/findnext search has reached the end of the subdirectory. kefsInvalidCookie 22011 An invalidated cookie was encounterred while walking a path. kefsFilesStillOpen 22012 The file system is being dismounted when user files are still open. kefsWarnCloseWhileAccess 22013 A close issued on file while data access is in progress has been deferred. kefsBadLinkAttr 22014 Invalid link attributes supplied to CreateLink. kefsBadExtAttrLen 22015 The extended attributes buffer is insufficient for the length to be transferred. kefsSetExtAttrFailure 22016 Could not set extended attributes. kefsStreamNotPresent 22017 A request to access file specified non-existent stream. kefsIndexOutOfRange 22018 The index into the directory is out of range. kefsUnsupportedFunction 22019 The file system does not support the requested function. kefsDirectoryCorrupted 22020 The directory structure has been corrupted. kefsSubFsMountFailed 22021 Could not mount subfile system for volume. kefsSubFsDismountFailed 22022 Could not dismount subfile system for volume. kefsNotSafeToDismount 22023 Operations are under way in the file system that make it unsafe to dismount the file system. kefsBadPath 22024 Could not find or create directory. kefsErrRemoveListItem 22025 Could not remove linked list item. kefsErrorAddListItem 22026 Could not add item to linked list. kefsEof 22027 Hit end-of-file. kefsHandleAlreadyCleanedUp 22028 Received a CloseFile specifying CleanUp when handle already cleaned up. kefsExtLinkToSubdir 22029 External link found to subdirectory. Not supported. kefsExtLinkForCreate 22030 Attempt to create file through external link. Not supported. kefsOpenExtLink 22031 Failed to open external link target. kefsLinkToLink 22032 Attempt to establish external link to link - not supported. kefsPosExtLink 22033 Failed to seek in external link target file. kefsReadExtLink 22034 Failed to read from external link target file. kefsWriteExtLink 22035 Attempt to write to external link target file. Not supported. kefsEntryNotLink 22036 Request for link path against entry that is not a link. kefsEntryLinkMissing 22037 Link path not present in entry with link attribute. kefsLinkBufferTooSmall 22038 Buffer passed to ReadLink is not big enough. kefsExtLinkStreamType 22039 Stream types other than Data not supported for external links. kefsExtHardLinkNotSupported 22040 Hard links to external file system objects are not supported. kefsCircularLinkChain 22041 Too many levels of link - may be circular. kefsHandleCleanUpFailed 22042 Handle cleanup failed. kefsDirNotEmpty 22043 Attempt to delete directory which is not empty. kefsErrFlush 22044 Failure flushing stream. kefsNotEnoughSpace 22045 Unable to perform the write, the file system is full. kefsNoMedia 22046 No media in the device. kefsNoTunnellingInfo 22047 There is no tunnelling information available for this file. kefsInvalidName 22048 The file/directory name contains illegal characters. kefsDeletePending 22049 The file/directory has been marked for deletion. keXtraExtChar 29000 An extra extension char was found in the name that is not supported by the file system keFsNameSpaceMaxExtNameLen 29001 File extension length is greater than that supported by the file system keFsNameSpaceMaxFileNameLen 29002 File name length is greater than that supported by the file system keFsNameSpaceInvalidChar 29003 Invalid character in the name keFsNameSpaceExceedMaxLevels 29004 Full file name exceeds max no of levels supported by the file system keFsNameSpaceConvLongToShortName 29005 Error encountered when converting from long name to short name keIllegalFileSystem 29006 This operation references an illegal file system keMemDbIllegalPos 29007 Illegal position within memory database keMemDbIllegalStartMagic 29008 Illegal magic start for memory database keMemDbIllegalEndMagic 29009 Illegal magic end for memory database keMemTreeNotFileEntry 29010 Not a file entry keMemTreeNotDirEntry 29011 Not a dir entry keDuplicateRecFoundInDatabase 29012 Duplicate entry found in the database keMemTreeDupEntry 29013 Found a duplicate in the given subdir list keMemTreeUnableToFindParentEntry 29014 Unable to find parent entry for given entry keMemTreeNoMemObj 29015 No file/dir object refrence found in the database keUnableToInitializeRoot 29016 Unable to initialize root entry keUnableToAddRootEntry 29017 Unable to add roor entry keIllegalNameSpace 29018 The refrence to illegal name space keUnableToCreateNameSpace 29019 Unable to create name space keUnableToCreateMemDatabase 29020 Unable to create mem database keSetVolumeInfo 29021 Setting the volume name failed keGetVolumeInfo 29022 Getting volume name failed keUnableToFindRecInDdb 29023 Failed finding record in the database keUnableToAddRecToDdb 29024 Failed to add record to database keRecAttrDuplicateNames 29025 There exist duplicate names in the file system keGetValidNameInNameSp 29026 Failed to get a valid name in the name space keSameDirNameInAllFileSystem 29027 Same directory name is present in all file system keTwoTypesOfIsoFileSystem 29028 Two iso file systems has been configured keUnableToFindHandleToMemDdb 29029 Unable to find handle to memory database keFailedGettingFileRecsInDdb 29030 No file recs were found in the level keFailedGettingDirRecsInDdb 29031 No dir recs were found in the level keSortDir 29032 Failed during sorting dir operation keSortFilesAndDir 29033 Failed during sorting file's and dir's operation keIso9660IllegalImageFileName 29034 Invalid image file name keIso9660IllegalVtcFile 29035 Invalid VTC file name keIso9660NoVolumeLabel 29036 No Volume label specified keIso9660WritingFilesAndDirs 29037 Error encountered outputting files and dirs keImgFileNotAtBlkOffset 29038 Image file is not at block offset keVtcFileNotAtBlkOffset 29039 Image file is not at block offset keIso9660NoCopyriteInRoot 29040 No copy write file found at the root keIso9660NoAbstractInRoot 29041 No abstract file found at the root keIso9660NoBiblioInRoot 29042 No biblographic file found at the root keIso9660PublisherInfoInRoot 29043 No publisher info file found at the root keIso9660NoDataPreparerInRoot 29044 No data preparer info file found at the root keIso9660NoApplicationInfoInRoot 29045 No applications info file found at the root keIso9660OutputPathtable 29046 Error outputing ISO pathtable keIso9660OutputFilesDirs 29047 Error outputing ISO files and dirs keIso9660ErrFixingFileLoc 29048 Error fixing file ISO locations keSizeofLSBAndMSBPtdUnequal 29049 Sizeof LSB and MSB path table is unequal keFileSizeHasChanged 29050 File size has been changed keCreatedInvalidDblDotEntry 29051 Invalid Double Dot entry has been created by memory database keInsufficientMemAllocateForExtents 29052 Not enough memory has been allocated to fill in all the extents keIso9660NotAnIsoVdp 29053 No ISO primary volume descriptor keJolietErrFixingFileLoc 29054 Error fixing file joliet locations keJolietOutputPathtable 29055 Error outputing Joliet pathtable keJolietWritingFilesAndDirs 29056 Error encountered outputting files and dirs keErrorGettingFullPathName 29057 Error encountered getting full path name keCrImgSourceAlreadyOpen 29058 Source file is already opened. keCrImgSourceNotOpen 29059 Source file has not been opened. keDatabaseFileLengthZero 29060 Database file lenght is 0 probably 0 files and 0 dirs keDbfsErrGetHdbFailed 22100 Could not obtain a database handle. keDbfsErrFreeHdbFailed 22101 Could not free a database handle. keDbfsErrFreePfsFailed 22102 Could not free a sub-filesystem handle keDbfsErrBadNameSpace 22103 The file system does not support this namespace. keDbfsErrDirTabMissing 22104 Directory entry database not found. keDbfsErrStreamTabMissing 22105 Stream entry database not found. keDbfsErrAggrTabMissing 22106 AGGRTAB database not found. keDbfsErrSubDbTabMissing 22107 SUBDBTAB database not found. keDbfsErrDirTabCreateFailed 22108 Could not create directory entry database. keDbfsErrStreamTabCreateFailed 22109 Could not create the stream entry database. keDbfsErrAggrTabCreateFailed 22110 Could not create AGGRTAB database. keDbfsErrSubDbTabCreateFailed 22111 Could not create SUBDBTAB database. keDbfsErrDirNotFound 22112 Could not find directory. keDbfsErrAggrTabOpenFailed 22113 Could not open AGGRTAB database. keDbfsErrSubDbTabOpenFailed 22114 Could not open SUBDBTAB database. keDbfsErrLoadSubDbsFailed 22115 Could not load SubDb table into memory. keDbfsErrSubDbFmCookieFailed 22116 Could not locate directory table for cookie. keDbfsErrGetPfsFailed 22117 Unable to obtain subb file system handle for volume. keDbfsErrOwnerFsPrivLen 22118 The owner file system private buffer is insufficient for the length to be transferred. keDbfsErrVolFileSequenceError 22119 Attempting to add directory entries to non existent subdirectory. keDbfsErrBadVolfile 22120 Volume file is corrupt or invalid. keDbfsErrOpeningVolfile 22121 Could not open volume file. keDbfsErrFindFirstFailed 22122 Find first failed. keDbfsErrMakeAggregateEntry 22123 Could not move entry to the aggregate table. keDbfsErrCreateEntryFailed 22124 Could not create a new file system entry. keDbfsErrOpenDirTabFailed 22125 Could not optain a database handle for dir tab. keDbfsErrCloseDirTabFailed 22126 Could not close database handle for dir tab. keDbfsErrGetMountedInstance 22127 Could not mount sub file system on volume. keDbfsErrDismountInstance 22128 Could not dismount sub file system on volume. keDbfsErrGetAttributesFailed 22129 Could not extract file attributes from entry. keDbfsErrUpdParentLastAccessTimeFailed 22130 Could not update time last accessed. keDbfsErrUpdParentLastModifiedTimeFailed 22131 Could not update time last modified. keDbfsErrFindResumeDirGone 22132 Parent directory entry disappeared during a findfirst/findnext operation. keDbfsErrDbAccessFailed 22133 An error occurred accessing a file system database. keDbfsErrFindResumeEntryGone 22134 A resume key in a findfirst/findnext operation, could not be found. keDbfsErrDbHdrMissing 22135 The expected database header file is missing. keDbfsErrDirTabCloseFailed 22136 Could not close dir tab database. keDbfsErrDbHdrWriteFailure 22137 Could not write out dir tab database header file. keDbfsErrPushdownDirIsFile 22138 Could not add volume as pushdown in subdir - File entry already exists. keDbfsErrLookupFailed 22139 Lookup of entry failed. keDbfsErrAggrTabCloseFailed 22140 Could not close AGGRTAB database. keDbfsErrSubDbTabCloseFailed 22141 Could not close SUBDBTAB database. keDbfsErrSubDbListFailure 22142 Error in Sub Db linked list. keDbfsParentEntryNotFound 22143 Parent directory entry was not found. keDbfsErrDbAddFailed 22144 Failed to add file system database record. keDbfsErrSubFsCreateFailed 22145 Sub file system failed to create new entry. keDbfsErrDeleteForRecoveryFailed 22146 Failed to delete a file system entry while attempting to recover from a previous error. keDbfsErrSubFsDeleteFailed 22147 Sub file system failed to delete an entry. keDbfsErrDbDeleteFailed 22148 Could not delete file system database entry. keDbfsErrDbUpdateFailed 22149 Could not update file system database entry. keDbfsErrSubFsMoveFailed 22150 Sub file system failed to move an entry. keDbfsErrDbDeleteForRecoveryFailed 22151 Failed to delete a database entry while attempting to recover from a previous error. keDbfsErrNewSubDbFailed 22152 Failed to create a new subdirectory database. keDbfsErrGetRootAttrFailed 22153 Failed to obtain root directory attributes. keDbfsErrSubFsReadFailed 22154 Sub file system failed to read file. keDbfsErrSubFsWriteFailed 22155 Sub file system failed to write to file. keDbfsErrSubFsFlushFailed 22156 Sub file system failed to flush file. keDbfsErrSubFsSetFileLenFailed 22157 Sub file system failed to change file length. keDbfsErrReinstateFailed 22158 Failed to reinstate previous version of entry. keDbfsErrNotOnRoot 22159 This call cannot be performed on the root entry. keDbfsErrNameSpaceMissing 22160 All name spaces must be present. keDbfsErrOpenVolFile 22161 Failed to open VolFile when adding a volume. keDbfsErrCreateDupEntryForVolume 22162 Cannot overload an existing entry on same volume. keDbfsErrRemoveVolHandlesOpen 22163 Attempt to remove volume while handles are still open. keDbfsErrTooManyDupShort 22164 Cannot generate short name for file. Too many matching '~' files. keDbfsErrLockingEntry 22165 Could not obtain file system entry. keDbfsErrDeletingEntry 22166 Could not delete file system entry. keDbfsErrUpdatingEntry 22167 Could not update file system entry. keDbfsErrCreateSymLinkEntry 22168 Failed to create link path information for symbolic link entry. keDbfsErrCreateStream 22169 Could not create a stream entry. keDbfsErrCreateStreamData0 22170 Attempt to create default data stream for existing entry. keDbfsErrUpdateStreamData0 22171 Attempt to change default data stream for existing entry. keDbfsErrStreamEntryExists 22172 Stream already exists for directory entry. keDbfsErrStreamDbDeleteFailed 22173 Failed to delete stream entry database entry. keDbfsErrDirDbDeleteFailed 22174 Failed to delete directory entry database entry. keDbfsErrSubFsStreamDelete 22175 Could not delete stream entry. keDbfsErrEntryNotLocked 22176 Attempt to unlock a DBFS entry that was not locked. keDbfsErrBadMigrateHandleState 22177 Error during migration - probable corrupt migrate handle encountered. keDbfsErrAlreadyMigrating 22178 Second concurrent migration of subdirectory tree is not allowed. keDbfsErrEntryNotMigrating 22179 Attempt to change migration status of non-migrating entry. keDbfsErrMigrateCount 22180 Possible Dbfs corruption - Migration completed on entry without migrate count or flag. keDbfsErrInvalidName 22181 Filename contains invalid characters. keDbfsErrNonexistentSubtree 22182 Cannot register subtree handle - entry does not exist. keDbfsErrSubtreeNoHandle 22183 Subtree has no subtree handle - cannot remove. keDbfsErrFileNotSubtree 22184 Cannot register subtree handle - entry is not a dir. keDbfsErrSubtreeHandleNilP 22185 Cannot register subtree handle - supplied handle is kpNil. keDbfsErrSubtreeHasHandle 22186 Cannot register subtree - already registered. keDbfsErrSubtreeHandleChanged 22187 Different handle passed to second or subsequent subtree registration. keDbfsErrWrongCookieType 22188 Operation attempted on entry with incompatible type. keDbfsErrEntryAlreadyHeld 22189 Attempt to hold cached Dbfs entry that is already held. keDbfsErrEntryNotHeld 22190 Attempt to release cached Dbfs entry that is not held. keDbfsErrUpdatingMigrateCount 22191 Error while updating migration counts. keDbfsErrMaxMigrateCount 22192 Somehow reached 16,000,000 migratable files/subdirs within a single directory! keDbfsErrZeroMigrateCount 22193 Parent of migrated entry did not show any migratable children! keDbfsErrSetMigrated 22194 Error while completing migration on an entry. keDbfsErrMigration1stNotDir 22195 Error in migration - first of array must be dir entry keDbfsErrMigrationNextNotStream 22196 Error in migration - all after first of array must be stream entries keDbfsErrMaxInline 22197 Attempt to set stream length of inline data to more than max allowed keDbfsMsgProcessingDir 22198 Adding files to: keDbfsGettingFullCanPath 22199 The system could not resolve the canonical path keDbfsErrSubtreeAlreadyOrphan 22200 File system subtree is already offline. keDbfsErrSubtreeNotOrphan 22201 File system subtree is not orphaned. keDbfsErrAddFreeList 22202 Could not create record to add to file system database free list. keDbfsErrFreeListEmpty 22203 Free list for file system database is empty. keDbfsErrPathTooLong 22204 Adding entry would make file system path too long. keDbfsShutDown 22205 Operation aborted - File system is shutting down. keFsnatErrCookieToPath 22200 Could not obtain native path. keFsnatErrOpenStreamFile 22201 Could not open stream file. keFsnatErrSeekStreamFile 22202 Failure seeking in stream file. keFsnatErrReadStreamFile 22203 Failure reading stream file. keFsnatErrWriteStreamFile 22204 Failure writing stream file. keFsnatErrCloseStreamFile 22205 Failure closing stream file. keFsnatErrCreateStreamFile 22206 Could not create stream file. keFsnatErrOpenEntryFile 22207 Could not open entry file. keFsnatErrSeekEntryFile 22208 Failure seeking in entry file. keFsnatErrReadEntryFile 22209 Failure reading entry file. keFsnatErrWriteEntryFile 22210 Failure writing entry file. keFsnatErrCloseEntryFile 22211 Failure closing entry file. keFsnatErrCreateEntryFile 22212 Could not create entry file. keFsnatErrDupEntryFileName 22213 Entry file contains unexpected duplicate reference. keFsnatErrRemoveEntryFile 22214 Could not delete entry file. keFsnatErrRemoveStreamFile 22215 Could not delete stream file. keFsnatErrEntryFileCorrupt 22216 Entry file is from a newer version or is corrupted. keFsnatErrWalkingTree 22217 Failed to access native directory tree. keFsnatErrOpenStrmRegFile 22218 I/O error opening stream reg file. keFsnatErrStrmRegFileCorrupt 22219 Stream reg file is corrupt. keFsnatErrSeekStrmRegFile 22220 I/O error seeking in stream reg file. keFsnatErrCreateStrmRegFile 22221 I/O error creating stream reg file. keFsnatErrWriteStrmRegFile 22222 I/O writing to file stream reg file. keFsnatErrCloseStrmRegFile 22223 I/O error closing stream reg file. keFsnatErrRemoveDataFile 22224 I/O error deleting data file. keFsnatErrRemoveStrmRegFile 22225 I/O error deleting stream reg file. keFsnatErrOrphanedStream 22226 Orphaned stream encountered in FsNative file system. keCAddVolFileSystem 22500 Failed to process CD-ROM name space into volume file. keAllvolsErrCreatingVolfile 22501 Could not create volume file. keAllvolsErrWritingVolfile 22502 Could not write volume file. keAllvolsNoRecognizedVolumeFound 22503 No recognized volume found on the media. keFsysErrOpeningDb 23000 Error opening file system database. keFsysErrBadFsId 23001 File system ID is out of range. keFsysErrDbCorrupted 23002 File system database is corrupted. keFsysErrAccessDb 23003 Error attempting to read database. keFsysErrUpdateDb 23004 Error attempting to update record in database. keFsysErrAddRec 23005 Error attempting to add record in database. keFsysErrRemoveRec 23006 Error attempting to remove record in database. keFsysErrTooManyInDb 23007 File system limit reached. keFsysErrBadHandle 23008 Bad handle encountered in FindFirst/FindNext file system. keFsysErrAddDupRecord 23009 Attempt to add duplicate file system record keFsysErrRemoveTree 23010 Could not remove file system. keFsysErrGetLabel 23011 Error getting volume label. keFsysErrSetLabel 23012 Error setting volume label. keScdfsErrMountNative 23013 Could not mount native file system keScdfsErrMountIsoHs 23014 Could not mount ISO9660/HiSierra file system keScdfsErrCreateNotifyThread 23015 Could not create notifications thread keScdfsErrProcessEntryStatFail 23016 EStat failed - file was just found keFsmgrErrGettingFsysRec 23017 Could not get record for file system. keFsmgrErrDismountingFs 23018 Could not dismount file system. keFsmgrErrFsIdInvalid 23019 File system id is invalid. keFsmgrErrFsInactive 23020 Feil system id is inactive. keFsmgrErrMountingFs 23021 Could not mount file system. keFsmgrErrAddingSlot 23022 Could not add volume entries while adding slot. keFsmgrErrRemovingSlot 23023 Could not remove volume entries while removing slot. keFsmgrErrVolumeDb 23024 Volume database access error. keFsysNotMounted 23025 File System is not mounted keFsmgrErrNoFsForGroupOp 23026 Operation on group specified no file systems. keFsmgrErrNoFsForVolOp 23027 Operation on volume specified no file systems. keFsmgrErrNoFsForVolIdOp 23028 Operation on volume id specified no file systems. keFsmgrErrGroupOpFailedInSomeFs 23029 Operation on group failed in at least one file system. Either an inventory process in not complete, a client program holds an exclusive lock on the group's subdirectory, or a rename would result in a duplicate or invalid directory name. keFsmgrErrVolOpFailedInSomeFs 23030 Operation on volume failed in at least one file system. Either an inventory process in not complete, a client program holds an exclusive lock on the volume's subdirectory, or a rename would result in a duplicate or invalid directory name. keFsmgrErrVolIdOpFailedInSomeFs 23031 Operation on volume id failed in at least one file system. keFsmgrErrOpenScdfs 23032 Could not open the SCDFS driver. keFsmgrErrMountKfs 23033 Could not notify SCDFS that file system is up. keFsmgrErrDismountKfs 23034 Could not notify SCDFS that file system is down. keFsmgrErrVolInToGroup 23035 Volume alias already exists in group. keFsmgrErrGetMountPoint 23036 Could not get file system mount point information. keFsmgrErrSetMountPoint 23037 Could not set mount point for file system. keFsmgrErrGetFsRootInfo 23038 Volume/Group operation - Failed EGetRootInfo for file system. keFsmgrErrOpenDir 23039 EOpen of Volume/Group failed. keFsmgrErrInfoDir 23040 EInfo on Volume/Group failed. keFsmgrErrRenameDir 23041 ERename on Volume/Group failed. keFsmgrErrDeleteDir 23042 EDelete of Group failed. keFsmgrErrCreateDir 23043 EDBfs_CreateEntry of group failed. keFsmgrErrNotLicensed 23044 The software license does not permit this operation. keFsmgrErrFsNotifications 23045 An IOCtl error occurred while making file system notifications. keMigMgrInvalidMigId 23046 Illegal Migration ID keMigMgrDbCorrupted 23047 Migration database corrupted keMigMgrOpeningDb 23048 Could not open Migration database. keMigMgrBadHandle 23049 Bad search handle specified during FindFirst/FindNext keMigMgrFindRec 23050 Could not get record for migration id. keMigMgrUpdateRec 23051 Could not update record for migration id. keMigMgrAddRec 23052 Could not add record for migration id. keMigMgrDeleteRec 23053 Could not delete record for migration id. keMigMgrEntryExists 23054 Cannot add entry. Migration for this Group/Volume ID already exists. keMigMgrAlreadyOpen 23055 Migration database is already open keMigMgrDupPath 23056 Path entry already exists for migration id. keMigMgrFailedToStartMigWatch 23057 A failure occured while starting a migration watch. keMigMgrFailedToStopMigWatch 23058 A failure occured while stopping a migration watch. keMigMgrNoMoreMedia 23059 There were no blanks available to complete this operation. keMigMgrInvalidMigFs 23060 Invalid destination file system type chosen for this migration. keMigMgrMediaCommitted 23061 This volume is required for storing files already written to the server. Therefore, it cannot be removed. keMigMgrMigDataOutstanding 23062 There are files in this volume that have not yet been migrated to the destination media. keMigMgrMigrationInProgress 23063 Files are currently being transfered to medium for this volume. Please try this again later. keMigMgrMigNotResponding 23064 The migration is not responding to a request. keMigMgrMigInterrupted 23065 Migration of this volume has been interrupted. keMigMgrInvalidModeChange 23066 The destination file system for this volume could not be changed becuase the volume is already formatted. keMigMgrSkippedDirMig 23067 A directory was skipped while migrating data to this volume due to an error. keMigMgrUnableToWriteLog 23068 An error was encountered opening the log file. Therefore, this migration will not be logged. keMigMgrMigrationStarted 23069 Migration has begun for a volume. keMigMgrMigrationEndedError 23070 Migration of the volume has ended unsuccessfully. Writing has been disabled. keMigMgrMigrationEndedSuccess 23071 Migration of the volume has ended successfully. keMigMgrWalkAborted 23072 Walking the directory tree for migration has been aborted due to an error. keMigMgrFilesEncountered 23073 Files available for migration: keMigMgrFilesMigrated 23074 Files successfully migrated: keMigMgrDoesNotNeedRecovery 23075 This migration does not need to be recovered. keMigMgrFilesOrphaned 23076 There are stray files left over that have not been correctly migrated. keMigMgrMediaDamaged 23077 The media was damaged during writing. Select recovery to attemt to fix the media, or move the volume to another piece of media. keMigMgrBlanksNotFound 23078 There were no blanks available for creating this volume. keMigMgrNotRestrictedAgg 23079 You can only add directories to a restricted aggregate migration. keMigMgrFailedToDeleteMig 23080 An error occurred while deleting a migration and its associated directory. keMigMgrBadVolId 23081 This volume does not have a migration record associated with it. keMigMgrRescheduleMigration 23082 This migration has been aborted either due to sharing violations. The migration will be rescheduled. keMigMgrFileTooLarge 23083 The file was too large to fit on the current media. keMigMgrOutOfSync 23084 The migration data and the file system are out of sync. keMigMgrInvalidMediaType 23085 The media is not supported by the target file system. keMigAgCantReadVolRec 23086 Failed to retrieve the volume record for this volume. keMigAgFailedToMountSlot 23087 Failed to mount and lock the volume. keMigAgFailedToFormat 23088 Failed to format the media. keMigAgFailedToMountFs 23089 Failed to mount volume. Volume may be damaged. keMigAgFailureDuringWriting 23090 A failure occurred during writing. Volume may be damaged. keMigAgFailedToFinalize 23091 A failure occurred during finalization. Volume may be damaged. keMigAgFailedToCreateImage 23092 Failed to create the volume image. keMigAgNotABlank 23093 Expected blank media, and did not receive it. keFsmgreErrNoAggrOffline 23094 Volumes cannot be moved offline in aggregate mode. keFsmgrErrVolAlreadyOffline 23095 Volume is already offline. keFsmgrErrVolAlreadyOnline 23096 Volume is already online. keScddbfsErrUpdateFreeSpace 23097 Unable to update free space from deletes. keScddbfsErrWriteOutsideMig 23098 Attempt to create or write a file which is not within a directory tree controlled by a migration. keScddbfsErrWriteDamagedMig 23099 Attempt to create or write a file which is within a directory tree controlled by a migration which requires a recovery. keScddbfsErrWriteMigDisabled 23100 Attempt to create or write a file which is within a directory tree controlled by a migration which has been disabled. keMigStatusMigrationStarted 23850 Writing data to volume "%s". keMigStatusMigrationEndedSuccess 23851 Writing to volume "%s" ended successfully. keMigStatusMigrationEndedFailure 23852 Writing to volume "%s" ended with an error. keMigStatusActiveMigrations 23853 %d transfer(s) in progress - %d file(s) written to "%s". keMigStatusActiveMigrations2 23854 %d transfer(s) in progress keMigStatusResyncStarted 23855 Resync %d started. keMigStatusResyncEndedSuccess 23856 Resync %d ended successfully. keMigStatusResyncEndedFailure 23857 Resync %d ended with an error. keMigStatusResyncFile 23858 Resyncing - %s. keMigStatusRecoveryStarted 23859 Recovery %d started. keMigStatusRecoveryEndedSuccess 23860 Recovery %d ended successfully. keMigStatusRecoveryEndedFailure 23861 Recovery %d ended with an error. keMigStatusVolumeFormatted 23862 The volume has been formatted. keMigStatusVolumeMounted 23863 The volume has mounted successfully. keFsioctlErrOpenDriver 23950 Could not open driver. keFsioctlErrSendIoctl 23951 IOCTL call to driver failed. keFsioctlErrTimeout 23952 Ioctl call to driver timed out. keFsioctlRestartingUserFS 23953 Kernel FS thinks UserFS is already running; presumably restarting. keFsisoErrReadFailed 22300 ISO read failed. keFsisoErrDeviceCreateFailed 22301 Could not open jukebox. keISOTManyExtents 22302 ISO file has too many extents. keISOInvalidDirEntry 22303 Invalid directory encounted while walking rom. keFshfsErrReadFailed 22330 HFS read failed. keUdfInvalidTagIdent 22400 A UDF structure did not contain the expected tag identifier. The file system may contain some corruption. keUdfInvalidCrc 22401 The UDF structure did not contain the correct CRC value. It may be corrupt. keUdfInvalidCheckSum 22402 The UDF structure did not contain the correct check sum value. It may be corrupt. keUdfInvalidLocationField 22403 The UDF structure did not contain the correct location field. It may be corrupt. keUdfInvalidVolumeDescSeq 22404 The volume descriptor sequence was invalid. A necessary descriptor was missing. keUdfInvalidCS0Type 22405 A character string is not stored in proper CS0 format. The file system may contain some corruption. keUdfErrorReadingFID 22406 An error happened while reading the File Identifier Descripter. The file system may contain some corruption. keUdfEntryDeleted 22407 An attempt was made to get entry information about a deleted entry. keUdfInvalidPrivateDataHandle 22408 The private data handle is invalid. keUdfInvalidFileType 22409 This implementation of UDF does not support this file type. keUdfInvalidInterChangeLevel 22410 The Interchange Level specified in the descriptor is invalid. keUdfInvalidCharacterSetList 22411 The character set list specified in the descriptor is invalid. keUdfInvalidEntityIdentifier 22412 The entity identifier in the descriptor is invalid. keUdfInvalidPartitionId 22413 The partition id is invalid. keUdfInvalidPartitionBaseAddress 22414 The base sector address for the partition is invalid. keUdfReadingPastEndOfPartition 22415 Attempting to read past the end of the partition. keUdfNoPoolHandle 22416 Attempting to allocate or free keyed memory without a pool handle. keUdfInvalidTagFID 22417 A UDF FID did not contain the expected tag identifier. It may be corrupt. keUdfInvalidCbFID 22418 A UDF FID contained an excessive length. It may be corrupt. keUdfInvalidSerialDescTag 22419 A UDF descriptor tag contained an invalid Serial number. keUdfUnsupportedVersion 22420 This implementation of UDF does not support the version of UDF present on the media. keUdfIllegalPhysicalSector 22421 Illegal physical sector value passed to LbaFmPhys. keCdUdfMediaMounted 22450 The media has already been mounted. keCdUdfInvalidBlockSize 22451 The block size for CDUDF must be 2048. keCdUdfInvalidNumberOfPartitions 22452 This media has an invalid number of partitions. keUdfInvalidPartitionMapType 22453 Partition map type is invalid for this media. keCdUdfInvalidPartitionAccess 22454 All partitions on a CDUDF disc must be Write Once Access. keCdUdfIcbNotKeptInCache 22455 The ICB for the item being migrated should be in cache and marked for keep. keCdUdfNotEnoughDiskSpaceForCache 22456 Not enough room the host hard disk to create or grow the cache. keCdUdfFailedToAlterCacheSize 22457 A failure occurred while growing or shrinking the cache. keCdudfEntryNotInCache 22458 Entry not in cache keCdUdfCacheFull 22459 Cache is full keCdUdfFatalWritingError 22460 A fatal error has occurred while writing to the media. The writing device may have stopped responding. The media will need to be recovered. kerrGetNextWritePosn 22461 An error occurred while scanning for the next recordable sector on the media. This can be cause either by bad media or hardware problems. keDVDNotFormatted 22462 DVD Ram media not formatted keDVDMediaFormatted 22463 DVD Ram media is already formatted keDVDRamMediaMounted 22464 The media has already been mounted kePartionNotInitialized 22465 Partion not initialized kePartAlreadyInitalized 22466 Partition already initialized keNoMoreFreeSecs 22467 The are not enough free sectors to satisfy the request keDvdRamUdfInvalidPartitionAccess 22468 All partitions on a DVD Ram disc must be over write. keUnableToAllocateFreeSpace 22469 Allocation for secs from the freespace pool failed keCdUdfInvalidPartitionMapNumber 22470 The partition map number is invalid. keUdfMissingVolumeDesc 22471 A necessary volume descriptor was not found in the volume descriptor sequence. keUdfMissingPartitionDesc 22472 A partition map did not have a matching partition descriptor. kePacketPrecedesPartition 22473 The indicated packet is located before the partition start sector. kefsEofOk 22474 Read was done while positioned after EOF. kecdrwUnexpectedCPartMaps 22475 Disc does not have the expected single partition. kecdrwNotSparablePartition 22476 Partition is not marked Sparable. kecdrwSparesInUse 22477 Sparing table entries are actively in use to map media defects. kecdrwUnexpectedPartition 22478 Unknown or unexpected partition map type was found on the media. kecdrwNoMoreNotifications 22479 No more notifications are currently pending. kecdrwBadCbTable 22480 Sparing table length is excessive kecdrwBadCTables 22481 Count of sparing table copies is not in range 1-4. kecdrwUnreadableSparingTable 22482 Could not read any copy of sparing table. kecdrwInvalidSparingTableEID 22483 Sparing table identifier not found at expected location kecdrwInvalidSparingTableLength 22484 Sparing table length not valid kecdrwRefusingToMountSparesInUse 22485 Driver is refusing to mount the current disc because current disc has defects on it. This disc cannot be used and should not be reformatted. kecdrwUnrecognizedUdfPartitionType 22486 Partition type is not Virtual and is not Sparable. Unrecognized. kecdrwCouldNotLockMedia 22487 The filesystem attempted to write at a time when the door could not be locked. Please reinsert the media and try again. kecdrwUdfNotPartitionType2 22488 The filesystem is UDF but does not use the Partition Type 2 that is recommended for RW media. keMrwMipInvalid 22489 The MIP block on the CD-MRW media has unexpected contents. The media cannot be used. keReadComparisonFailed 22490 The packet read on the media was different from the packet expected. Comparison failed. keUdfRefusingToMountDvdVideo 22491 To avoid conflict with Nero, mounting DVD-Video is not supported by InCD. keUdfRefusingToMountMultiSession 22492 Not mounting unsupported multi-session UDF disc. keScdFsStartThread 24000 File system service failed to start a request thread keCannotOpenFS 24001 File system service failed to open a file system keFSIoctlError 24002 File system service/driver I/O Ctl failure keFSVerifyReqd 24003 File system verification required. Remount file system. keFSBufferOverflow 24004 File System buffer overflow while transfering data. keFsengErrInstallDir 24005 Incomplete or corrupted installation - Please reinstall. keFsengErrStartFsMgr 24006 Fatal error - could not start file system manager. keIpcsrvErrStartServer 24007 Fatal error - Could not start IPC server keIpcsrvErrStopServer 24008 Fatal error - Could not stop IPC server, system may hang... keKfssrvErrStartThrdMgr 24009 Fatal error - Could not start thread manager for kernel requests. keKfssrvErrTimerAddVolume 24010 Could not schedule MacFile Volume Add process. Mac support not available. keKfssrvErrProcessAddVolume 24011 Could not create MacFile service Volume Add process. Mac support not available. keKfssrvErrStartThread 24012 Could not start a thread to process a request. keKfssrvNotifySFMFound 24013 Note: MacFile service located - its requests now at low priority keKfssrvNotifySFMNormal 24014 Note: MacFile requests now at normal priority keOperationNotSupported 501000 This operation is not supported by the selected item keNotSupportedRemotely 501001 The attempted operation can only be performed at the server keDatabaseRecordChangedDuringModify 501002 This item has changed during modification, your changes will not be saved keNoFunctionSpecifiedToThread 501003 A thread was created for a function which does not exist. keNoQueuesAvailable 501004 There are no queues available for this operation