O2EM v1.16 (December/2004) an Odyssey 2 & Videopac+ emulator copyright 1996/1998 by Daniel Boris Developed by Daniel Boris and Andre de la Rocha This package is released under the Clarified Artistic License (see license.txt) Project Homepage http://o2em.sourceforge.net --------------------------------------------------------------------------- O2EM is an open source Odyssey2 / Videopac console emulator, created by Daniel Boris in 1996. Since version 0.80 it has been developed by André de la Rocha. This release includes the source code for O2EM v1.16 and binaries for Windows, DOS and Linux/X11. The sources probably can also be compiled under other platforms that support the Allegro game library. With the Windows binary, the latest stable version of the Allegro DLL is also included. To use the Linux version you must get the Allegro library for Linux yourself and install it as root. The DOS version does not need additional files. O2EM is a command line based program, but there are several Windows frontends you can use. The "official" one is O2EM Launcher, created by Heitor Barcellos. In order to build O2EM from its sources, you need either the MingW or Cygwin packages on Windows, DJGPP on DOS and GCC on Linux. See the links below. The latest version of O2EM can be found at http://o2em.sourceforge.net If you want to send bug reports, or be part of the O2EM development, go to the O2EM project page at SourceForge : http://sourceforge.net/projects/o2em/ Useful links: Dan Boris' home page: http://www.atarihq.com/danb/ Allegro library: http://alleg.sourceforge.net/ MingW C/C++ compiler: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/ Soeren Gust page : http://soeren.informationstheater.de/ Odyssey2 Home: http://www.classicgaming.com/o2home/ Acknowledgments: We wish to thank the following people: Keita Iida (Keita/Pooka/Fygar) for his enthusiasm, for the O2EM beta testing, and general encouragement. Marco Kerstens (MarcoK) for providing Videopac schematics, and general support. Matthew Pritchard for sending some official O2 programming documents. Bo Krogsgaard (Therion23) for putting the idea of doing the emulator into my head to start with. Jason F. Gohlke for providing valuable Voice tech info as well as the voice samples. Soeren Gust : For sending his patches to O2EM and for technical information about the console. Part of his technical document was used to implement VP+ emulation. René van den Enden : for providing information about several unsupported games and other help. Simon Scudder : for sending technical information about the O2 (including the datasheet of the VP+ gfx chipset), sampled sounds and his nice O2 disassembler. Heitor Barcellos : for creating the O2EM Launcher frontend. Marcelo Ribeiro : for the icon used with the windows version of O2EM, bug reports, and for information about O2 games. Rafael : for compiling a big list of bugs present in O2EM v0.87. Zimmerman : for sending his patch to add key customization, on which v1.00 customization was based. Arlindo de Oliveira : for sending patches to fix bugs in O2EM and for his interest in keeping the O2 emulation alive. The members of the OdysseyBR user group: for several bug reports, as well for support in general. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Setup: To get O2EM up and running quickly follow these steps: 1. Create a directory called O2EM on your hard drive. 2. Unzip the O2EM archive into the O2EM directory. 3. Download the bios ROM O2ROM.BIN and put it into your O2EM directory. 4. Download one or more game ROMs, for example KCMUNCH.BIN for KC Munchkin and put the ROM in your O2EM directory. 5. From the O2EM directory type: o2em KCMUNCH.BIN to start the game. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Setup: Before you can run O2EM you need a copy of the Odyssey2 or Videopac bios ROM. For copyright reasons, this ROM image can not be included in this archive. This ROM image is stored inside the 8048 processor and can be read out with the appropriate equipment. The image should be 1024 bytes long, named o2rom.bin and should be in the same directory as the emulator. You will also need cartridge images, but again for copyright reasons these can not be provided. PLEASE DO NOT E-mail us asking for ROM images! All messages asking for ROM images will be promptly deleted. If you wish to use Voice emulation for games like KC's Krazy Chase, create a directory called VOICE in the directory where you have O2EM. Download the voice samples and unzip them into the VOICE directory. There are two sets of voice samples, mainsamp.zip which is the main voice samples and sidsamp.zip which are the samples used by the game Sid the Spellbinder. You only need the Sid samples if you want voice in that game. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage: o2em [options] = file to load with extension options: -wsize=n Window size used by the emulator (1=original, 2=double size, etc.) -fullscreen Use full screen mode -scanlines Enable scanlines use by the video emulation. Scanlines are a feature that makes your display look like a TV screen. -nosound Turn off sound emulation -novoice Turn off voice emulation -svolume=n Set sound volume (0-100) -vvolume=n Set voice volume (0-100) -debug Start the emulator in debug mode -speed=n Relative speed (100 = original speed) -nolimit Turn off speed limiter -bios=file Set the file name or directory to find the console bios. By default it looks for a file named o2rom.bin. You can use a bios file from an Odyssey2, Videopac or Videopac+ console. If you want to run VP+ games (in VP+ mode) then you need a VP+ bios. -euro This option enables the use of European timing / 50Hz mode. This option is usually not needed as most of the games that really require this mode will be auto-detected. -filter Enable the low-pass audio filter. -scshot=file Set the screen shot file name or template. The screen shot will be saved when you press the F8 key in the emulator. The extension of the file you give will set the file type. supported file types are bmp, pcx and tga. You can also give a template to save several files, using the @ character. Using an option like -scshot=dump@.bmp will save files with names like dump00.bmp, dump01.bmp, etc. The pictures will have a resolution of (320x240)*wsize. -exrom Enable the use of an alternative ROM mapping for 4Kb games, to support some games that use a special 3kb program rom/1kb data ROM mode. The only known that use it are Four in 1 Row and Musician and both are detected by their CRC and set correctly. So this option is to be used only with games that are currently unknown to O2EM. Do not enable it as default, as it will make all the 4kb games that do not use this special mode crash. -s1=mode/keys Define stick 1 mode/keys -s2=mode/keys Define stick 2 mode/keys These options define how the console joysticks are emulated. You can use a joystick connected to your computer or use the keyboard. You can specify a mode number (compatible with previous versions of O2EM) to disable the joystick emulation, to select an actual joystick or to set a default keyboard emulation mode : 0=Disable, 1=Default Right keys (arrows keys and right shift) 2=Default Left keys (W,S,A,D,SPACE) 3=Joystick Example: -s1=1 -s2=3 You can also specify a list of 5 keyboard codes that will be used to emulate the joystick, separated by comas (without spaces), using this order : UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT,FIRE. The following codes are accepted (not case sensitive): A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0_PAD,1_PAD,2_PAD,3_PAD,4_PAD,5_PAD,6_PAD,7_PAD,8_PAD,9_PAD, TILDE, MINUS, EQUALS, BACKSPACE, TAB, OPENBRACE, CLOSEBRACE, ENTER, COLON, QUOTE, BACKSLASH, BACKSLASH2, COMMA, STOP, SLASH, SPACE, INSERT, DEL, HOME, END, PGUP, PGDN, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, SLASH_PAD, ASTERISK, MINUS_PAD, PLUS_PAD, DEL_PAD, ENTER_PAD, PRTSCR, PAUSE, ABNT_C1, YEN, KANA, AT, CIRCUMFLEX, COLON2, KANJI, LSHIFT, RSHIFT, LCONTROL, RCONTROL, ALT, ALTGR, LWIN, RWIN, MENU, SCRLOCK, NUMLOCK Example: -s1=y,h,g,j,lcontrol -s2=8_PAD,5_PAD,4_PAD,6_PAD,RCONTROL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Default configuration file: O2EM now can use a configuration file to set the default options, so you can specify your preferred options in this file, instead of typing it every time you execute the emulator. The command line options override the default settings in the file. This file must be called o2em_def.cfg and be in the same directory of O2EM. This configuration file is a text file where you can put the same options you would use when calling O2EM by the command line, but each option must be in a different line and you should not precede it with the - character. You can also put comment lines in the file, starting the line with the # character. Example configuration file: # My config wsize=3 Euro scanlines filter bios=g7400rom.bin s1=8_pad,5_pad,4_pad,6_pad,rcontrol You disable any option set in this file when you call O2EM in the command line, passing the =0 parameter to the option. For this example configuration, you could disable the filter option set in the file putting -filter=0 when you call O2EM. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Controls: Arrow keys + Right Control = Default joystick 1 emulation W,D,S,A + Space = Default joystick 2 emulation ESC/F12 = Leave the emulator F1 = Pause/Information F4 = Enter debugger F5 = Reset emulator (same as pressing the reset on the O2 keyboard) F8 = Make a screen shot Caps Lock = Enables/Disables the O2 keyboard input of the keys used by joystick emulation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Debugger: The emulator comes with a built in debugger that was used for development. The debugger is not very polished and fairly incomplete but it can be useful for single stepping through programs and watching their behavior. H = display help ----------------------------------------------------------------------------